August 4, 2016

Tomorrow is my follow-up clinic with my neurologist after being diagnosed with MS in early July.

I’m going to work a couple of hours and then take leave for the second half of the day. Tomorrow will be the day I hope we can decide on the best treatment option for my Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis.

Although now, I feel fine and normal. I trust that my body is getting better and is being healed.

Even once I start treatment, I trust that God takes every situation in my life and can make something glorious of it.

I thank you God that you are going to do something great out of this.

Jesus is the miracle work in my life and he has breathed life into this body. I have made a decision to serve Him no matter what.

Some of my Gym stats so far that I think show just how much Jesus has healed me: 

  • Last week I could only do 2-4kgs in a bicep curl before loosing control. I could only life 1kg a few times as a should raise before I felt I was lifting the weight unsafely.
  • This week I have been able shoulder raise 5kg and curl 7.5kgs for three sets of 12!