August 2, 2016
Praise be to God for the healing I have so far in my body, my hand is feeling better every day! I can type with both hands now and use a mouse. I feel like I’m also walking well. This afternoon I wish to complete some fitness at the end of a long work day.…
Revealer of Mysteries – Daniel 2
In Daniel 2 we see King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that needed interpretation. The dream that couldn’t be interpreted by anybody else (Daniel 2:8-11). Eventually, Daniel saw Arioch, the commander of the king’s guard, who explained the matter of the King’s dream. This made Daniel slightly troubled and eager to understand the dream. We see…
August 1, 2016
This morning I went for a run, I know that each stride I make is a gift from God. I ran 2.2 km today, 500m more than I did just just three days ago. My watch even said I’m doing more walking than usual for a Monday! It’s been just over one month since I…
Daniel’s Diet (Daniel 1)
Today, I start eating well with a mindset that’s focused on eating nutritious foods that are nourishing to the body. To kick-start my good health I’m going to follow roughly the Daniel Diet – which speaks of just how well nourished you can be after just 10 days. During the course of the next 10…
Through Christ who sets me free!
It’s been just over one month since I had my first attack of MS, June 26, 2016. The attack I had paralyzed the right side of my body for about 8 hours. The recovery has been a slow process but I can do this through Christ and the support of my family and friends.
Delighting in weakness
To delight in weakness is a thought that seems hard to grasp at first. But, by just sitting and realizing all that I can do even through one may be weak is simply amazing. Look at what I have achieved these last few days. I have walked, ran and ridden a bicycle. I will OvercomeMS…
After experiencing my first attack of MS, June 26, 2016 I have begun a new chapter in my life. I will OvercomeMS.