An active Monday!

I love Mondays! For me it is the beginning of the week and a chance to start a fresh with a mindset and focus comparable to an athlete.

After getting an early night on Sunday, I felt energized and ready to start the day as I woke at 6am.

Getting ready of a morning now is no longer a challenge. I can shower, make breakfast and dress myself for work. Just weeks ago I was in tears after being unable to easily do the buttons up on a dress shirt or even secure a belt buckle.

I can drive myself to work and walk the 500 steps to my office. I can type with two hands and answer the phone.  I can even walk between the various departments at the school I work at. Even during my work day, I’m increasing my step count to 3000, 4000 or even 5000 steps within an 8 hour work day.

This is pure joy considering just weeks ago I was struggling to walk from the car park to the front door.

As I finish at 4pm, I head home and still have an energy to get out there and be the best I can be.

I decide to go for a bike ride with a realistic goal of 5km (10 – 15mins of riding) but if I can ride for more I would consider my day an overwhelming success. I accomplished a 30.9km bicycle ride in 1:00:09. Wow! I rode for an hour and could still hold myself up! I could even walk okay afterwards.

As I look back on the day, there are lots of things I feel that I cannot do, but I try not to get caught up on them.

Tips for not loosing heart: 

  • Set reasonable goals.
  • Focus on the things you can change rather than on those you can’t.
  • Don’t get caught up in your “failures”.
  • Use the support of family, friends and co-workers around you.
  • Every time you do something good for yourself – whether it’s eating something health, getting some good exercise – Pat yourself on the back and recognize that you are still in control of your body.