Category: Work / Life

  • ‘Cloudy’ – Fatigue? 

    MS Fatigue seems to be revealing itself in my everyday life.  The last week it was not really noticeable as quite often I have enjoyed just resting before doing an activity. Something seems to have changed the last week. Even for the years before being diagnosed with MS, since finishing school, I’ve always enjoyed resting…

  • An active Monday!

    I love Mondays! For me it is the beginning of the week and a chance to start a fresh with a mindset and focus comparable to an athlete. After getting an early night on Sunday, I felt energized and ready to start the day as I woke at 6am. Getting ready of a morning now is no…

  • August 8, 2016

    I have been overjoyed at all that I have been able to do this past week. I praise God for everything I’m able to do.  

  • My Work Office

    My Work Office

    When I was first diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis I had wondered how my work situation would sort out knowing that my office is across the school oval. This normally wouldn’t be an issue for someone that doesn’t have the risk of an MS attack. But, for me it meant that I could fatigue with the…